IT Consulting and User Support

We keep businesses thriving with managed IT solutions and services..

Customized Business IT

We work with many types of IT customers with unique needs and very different budget levels. We craft an IT plan and budget for each customer to help them get the best value and strategically select their services and products.

Personal User Support

We provide on-site expert, friendly technical support to business, home and home office users. Unlike repair shops, we have a strong emphasis on explanation, friendly communication, and training.

Too many businesses let their servers, data, and networks go unmanaged for weeks or months at a time. Don’t expose your central IT infrastructure to risk by ignoring warning signs or failing to perform maintenance and security tasks. Let us take care of your systems to ensure business productivity.

Protect your investment and maximize uptime with our monitoring and maintenance packages.We support Windows, Mac, and cloud-based servers and file services. There’s almost no server technology we can’t help you with.


Friendly Local Helpdesk

Our full time help desk team is at your service when you need them most. We offer remote assistance, on-site visits, and online resources such as our advanced ticketing system and customer knowledge base.


We are professional, honest, energetic and thorough at all time. We assess our consultants, train according to the client’s expectations. We respect our client’s confidential and proprietary information. We stay targeted on our client’s objectives and respect their organizational culture. We deliver our best, every time we are into.

Etechno Solutionany has an unwavering ethical commitment towards promoting a workplace that is respectful of personal differences and free of discrimination and harassment. This principle applies in our hiring and interviewing process as well as all aspects of our work environment. By providing a respectful, creative, and positive atmosphere where employees can be successful and achieve, Etechno Solution is capable of attracting, motivating, and retaining the best people available.

All employees are expected to contribute to the success of Etechno Solution by performing their jobs as required and conducting themselves in a professional manner consistent with the company’s business philosophy, values and standards of business conduct. Employee honesty and integrity are essential to ethical business practices.


Points Cover

  • Manage IT-Support
  • Cloud Support
  • Technical Support
  • Exam Support
  • Access Data Anywhere
  • Enterprise Grade Email
  • Email Retention, Archiving, and Ownership
  • Access from Mobile Devices
  • Email Service Setup and Migration
  • Cloud Server Consultation